Go To Quote!

This site is a free life insurance quote engine designed to collect leads for our client. There's some pretty creative coding going on behind the scenes here. It uses lots of AJAX and PHP to do some fancy menus and loading without refreshing the screen. It also collects data for the client and has lots of tools for visitors to use. UPDATE: This site was taken offline by the owners as they head in a different direction with their business. They will be incorporating some features of this site to another business venture we are currently working on.

This site is a free life insurance quote engine designed to collect leads for our client.  There's some pretty creative coding going on behind the scenes here.  It uses lots of AJAX and PHP to do some fancy menus and loading without refreshing the screen.  It also collects data for the client and has lots of tools for visitors to use.

UPDATE: This site was taken offline by the owners as they head in a different direction with their business.  They will be incorporating some features of this site to another business venture we are currently working on.